Moving On Up


I've run this distance before, but whenever I get into the higher miles I need to dig deep and mentally prepare.

Saturday: 16 miles

More than half of this run will be on my own. Do I run to the group and put some miles in before I meet up with them? Or do I start with them and run 8+ after they have finished? Hmmm, just typing that makes me think that I will want to stop when they do!

Either way, (deep breath) I will need to relax my mind and let the miles unfold as I go.

This past week I had a horrible, hacking cough, but now I am better. As much as I didn't want to miss an 8 miles tempo and a speed workout, I took it easy. The cold air triggers a coughing fit - not pretty. Last year when this happened, I pushed it and relapsed and freaked that I was on a tendon damaging antibiotic before I was going to run the Illinois marathon. Ah the mind games!

Have a great weekend and happy running!

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