Training For Boston - Week 7

Last week: 27 total miles
Listening to: Green Day - Fell For You, Rusty James, 99 Revolutions, Carpe Diem

Saturday 3:00 pm – 20 degrees
8 miles, last 3 at 7:35 pace

That's more like it! Finally, I had a good run. I missed running with my group on Saturday. It kills me not to meet them! Especially knowing I would miss the fresh snow on the trail. On Friday night I started getting a deep cough - the same cough that brought me down last year when I was training for the Illinois Marathon. So I decided to listen to my body and sleep in

I ended up running at 3 pm on my own and by then the trail was uneven and slippery so I headed for the streets.

Saturday's run shook out the negative voices in my head - the voices that tell me I don't know if you can keep the pace you want throughout the entire marathon...I ran 8 miles strong and finished with 7:34 / 7:32 / 7:17 splits. 

Heading back home, I got a drive-by-shout-out from my sweat sister Rachel which made my day!

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