Running Log

Last week: 29 total miles

What I'm about to do feels a bit awkward, revealing, exposing, like walking through the office with my skirt tucked in my pantyhose...but here it is.

My splits from Saturday's 18 mile run, recorded by my beloved Garmin.

I can't believe me.

Thanks to my fabulous running partners, Mike and Ron Bon, and the strange enjoyment I get pushing myself beyond my comfort level, I kept a personal best pace of 9:14 (avg mile, moving pace, meaning not including waiting to cross the street or a quick water stop) for 18 miles straight. And there are a few miles that are under 9 minutes!

Holy Cow.

I will be the first to stand up and say that training for a marathon is anything but linear. Lots of ups and downs.

One minute I'm hoping to finish the marathon, the next I'm wondering if I can pull it together and qualify for Boston (my secret goal, shh, don't tell anyone. For my age, I would need to average an 8:45 mile or less to qualify).

Mind you, friends who have run a marathon have said to me not to worry about pace your first marathon, but run to finish.

And 18 miles is 8 less than 26...

But isn't this so exciting!


  1. Karyn, I think you are a brave soul for dedicating and surrounding yourself with running goals and by always pushing forward among everything that might try to slow you down in the process. Congrats on this 18 mile under 8 accomplishment!! That's HUGE!!

  2. great job, karen! congrats on the PR...i think you might be on your way to boston! you have the drive and the skills! go for it!
    lynne s.
