Ready Or Not...

Well, I'm in.

I picked up my race packet last night. 

And met a dear friend and her kids for pizza. It was a fun night out. Educational, really. You can learn a lot from your kids, that is for sure! Just let them do the talking and you do the listening. Lots of laughs!

This is the first time I will be running this particular half marathon. Although, the following weekend is the Chicago Half, which I have run the last two years in a row, and I honestly wish I were running that one instead. It would give me an extra week to train :) Since my foot injury, I haven't run more than 11 miles at a time since early July. I should have run 13 miles two weekends ago, but did 6. The course on Monday is mostly on a limestone path and is hilly. So much for a PR, right?

Whah, whah, whah.

I'll keep keep you posted...

Annie has her first Cross Country invitational on Saturday, so it will be super exciting to see her race. She has been running all summer.

Noah joined his Cross Country team and will start on Tuesday. (he will say, 'cause I made him)

Yay running!

I'm not allowed to talk about it, though. My kids don't like when I talk about running.

Come on. Runners love to talk about running.

But not with their mom.

Just let them do the talking and you do the listening.

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