Going for the Green

Well, I ran it. It wasn't my best race or my worst. A week prior, I was having slight chest pains and heart palpations. And, of course, thought it was in my best interest to have it checked out.

Go figure. My iron level was at an all time low. That explains a ton. There I was overly in tune to my hamstring and form (and how exhausting that was…) I completely did not make the connection with my fatigue and that my iron level had dropped again.

Cheers to that! 
Now I know and am doing everything I can to get it back up there asap. Like eating lots of yummy kale, right?

It really is amazing how being aware and making small changes can make a huge difference — physically and mentally. I don't have to hang up my running shoes after all!
After bumping up my iron intake, getting to bed early and eating more efficiently, I finally felt the best I have in months and had a fantastic 8 mile run on Saturday.

Happy eating, sleeping and running!

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