Running Log

Last week: 21 miles


I'm getting back up there in the miles.

On Wednesday I woke up and magically my foot didn't hurt like it had been hurting for the last month.

The clouds parted and a beam of sunshine came down upon me and I thought perhaps I won't have to run with that pain forever.

And I was able to run a cautious but successful hill workout that night.

Still some pain in my heel after I run, but I have been diligent with the foam roller, rolling out all the knots in my calves before and after I run. (click here to see what it is)

Ice and ibuprofen.

I ran 8 miles Saturday.

Ugh. I'll be honest. I wanted to walk the last mile.

There is no walking in running.

Or else you will become a head case.

I do not want to get stuck in that rut where my head talks my body into walking when I am perfectly capable of running. (my foot was not hurting)

But my new favorite pop-y song came on, Some Nights by fun. and I ran the 8th mile faster than the 7th.

That's what I'm talkin' about.

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