Running Log

Saturday was the Navy Pier Perfect 10. Our neighborhood group dwindled a little bit from last year (click here for a recap), but it was fun nonetheless! It is truly a pretty race, running south along the lake front from Navy Pier and back.

As Lisa, coach extraordinaire predicted, I did surprise myself! I didn't run as fast as last year — close, but more importantly, my splits were very consistent — I maintained about the same pace for 10 miles and didn't slow down. My finishing time was 1:18:26 (only 1:30 slower than last year!). I'll take it considering all the grief my pf has been giving me.

All four of us ran strong - Renee, Sweat-Sister Rachel, Jen (not to mention a bunch of friends from our running group!). What a great feeling afterwards to say "We did it!"

Sunday was the Run for Kelli. The event is to remember Kelli Joy O'Laughlin who was a Freshman last October 27, 2011 when her life was taken when she arrived home, from a burglar. The funds raised go to the Kelli Joy O'Laughlin Memorial Fund to give children the opportunity to develop their greatest potential. 

The 5k was held at the high school and my daughter's CC team volunteered.

A tragedy that brings community together. Very moving morning.
(The story was on the news last night click here.)

Annie and I reversed roles — she watched me run her home course. Boy, is it tough to run on grass. Annie makes it look so easy!

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