Running Log

Last week: 23 total miles

The time change has us running in the dark once again. Tuesday night was cold and rainy but meeting up with the group makes it all worthwhile. Good people!

My workout was 4 miles, last mile at a 7:50 pace. Glad to gain some speed back since my plantar fasciitis is gone...well, barely there.

Seriously, raise your hand if you have ever had this persistent little (swear word) of an injury.

I've had pf for so long that it's very strange to be going about the day (walking down stairs) and realizing nothing hurts! 

Wow. Have I reached that point in adulthood noticing what doesn't hurt? Or, is it that I'm a runner...either's almost gone!

On Saturday, I'll be running the Navy Pier Perfect 10 (miles). A bunch of us ran last year and a few of us will run it again this year.

Last year, I placed 4th in my age group with a 7:38 pace. This year, I'm coming off this darn injury and it's killing me not to be in as good of shape as last time.

Lisa, coach extraordinaire, said I may surprise myself, but warned not to start out too fast. I haven't run more than 8 miles since early September.

We will see, right?

Did I ever mention I love a challenge?

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