Brrrr. Getting Out the Door.

Last week: 30 total miles
Listening to: no music, just good conversation

Saturday 8:00 am – 13 degrees
14 miles 

On Saturday mornings I meet our running group at the trail not far from my house. 

Getting up and out the door is usually the most difficult part of the morning, especially when it's so stinkin' cold out and being cozy-warm-sipping-coffee is so much more, well, warm and cozy.

But I know once I meet the group and start running I'll be glad I got up and out the door...

We all start out running as a group then start breaking away from the pack depending on our pace and mileage. RFM and I were running the same amount, and Gripster was going 11, so the three of us stuck together and talked about many different things. 

Gripster trained with CARA last year for the Chicago Marathon so we talked about that training program and races coming up. 

And we talked about beer. Zombie Dust and Anti-Hero. Beer is a popular topic.

When we hit 10.5 miles, Gripster headed back. RFM and I continued 3.5 more miles. 

The snow was crunchy, the air crisp and the sun warm. Beautiful.


What a great feeling to be done! 

It still amazes me when I have run double digits of miles.

We were the last two out of the group left - we finished last, so to say. So we took a picture of each other on the trail for this blog. A little awkward we are :) 

Happy running!

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