Let's Get Lucky!

March 16, 2013. Let's do it. Your choice a 7k (4.3496 miles) or a Triple 7 (21k = 13 miles).

A half marathon in the midst of training for a marathon is just darn good practice. A race gets the adrenaline going! A perfect venue to try out the clothes you plan to wear, practice water and gu breaks, test out your pace. A trial run for a marathon! 

The course is an out-and-back along Lake Michigan and in March...who knows what the Chicago weather will be like, right?

How about this past week? Tuesday night our group ran when it 60 degrees and raining. The very next night we met and the temperature had dropped to 20 degrees. You know what that does to the wet roads? You guessed it! Black Ice.

Our scheduled workout was supposed to be 5 miles with 10 x 1 min x 1 min. What the heck does that mean? 

Pick-ups. Sprints.

Some folks did do the sprint workout and they did awesome without slipping and wiping out, but I took a pass and ran slowly. It was disappointing to miss out on a speed workout.

So the next morning, 16 degrees and still icy, I went to the Y and ran on the treadmill. Maybe 4 miles, maybe 5.5...who knows because my hand kept hitting the STOP button and it would stop and reset the stats!

Tomorrow is another day on the trail. Fingers crossed, no ice!

What races are you signing up for this year?

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