Training For Boston - Week 6

Last week: 26.5 total miles
Listening to: Green Day - ¡Uno!, ¡Dos! and ¡Tré!

It's official. My training for Boston is in full force.

The Boston Marathon is 11 weeks away. Gulp.

I set a fairly challenging goal for myself to finish around 3:25. That's 14 minutes faster than the Illinois marathon that qualified me for Boston. On top of that, I heard the last half of the Boston Marathon is up hill. Another Gulp.

Ok, so to break that down further, I will need to average a 7:50 minute per mile for 26.2 miles (last marathon was an 8:20 per mile).

Will I do it? I'm going to try, that is for sure.

Up until a few days ago, this Chicago winter has been very mild, 30s, no snow. Yesterday it was 9 degrees and today the same. Brrrr.

The right clothes make all the difference. And the rule of thumb is to dress 10 degrees warmer than the actual temperature. It's cold starting out, but you warm up after the first mile or so. If it's 9 degrees, dress like it's 19 degrees! (I know, I know, that still sounds crazy, doesn't it?)

Another way to stay warm is to meet your running group at the local wine bar after your run and have a glass of red! This is where you will find us after tonight's 4 mile easy run.

Cheers and stay warm!

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