Yet, Another Long Run and a Snow Storm

This week is a rest week since I has 3 weekends in a row of long runs, including an increase of miles in my weekly tempo runs.

Last week: 40 total miles
Saturday: 20 miles - 24 degrees (from La Grange to Western Springs, to Hinsdale, to Clarendon Hills, to Westmont to Downers Grove - and back!)

Again, thank goodness for my running group and Mr. Burpee for someone to run with. It is so much easier to get through the miles when you have someone to talk to. And we don't even talk the whole time! A funny thing—the conversation seems to die down in the last few miles and there's barely any talking. We just want to be done at that point, right?

On Tuesday we got a lot of snow and Wednesday snow/rain. Who feels like running in all that when you are cozy and dry inside. Yesterday I had a rest/speed workout—4 miles—
1 mile warm up, 2 x 1/2 mile x 1/2 mile, 1 mile cool down. Yes it was wet and slippery, my splits weren't super fast, but I did it.

Isn't it the best feeling when you finish a workout, knowing you did it, which is far better than knowing you talked yourself out of it.

Happy running!

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