Count Down to Marathon

My sister sent this to me:

Make your own luck on race day. If you spend time focused on the things you can control, you will experience less anxiety and spend less of your mental energy worrying. (click here for full article)

So, I thought I would capture how organized I am...

Oh yeah, and my shoes :)


We are leaving this afternoon for Champaign-Urbana. When we get there, we'll pick up our packets and have a little pasta dinner. My cousin Barb, a U of I alum, is in from AZ and will be running a 5k on Friday night and a 10k on Saturday. We plan to meet up for a celebratory beer or two!

Hal Higdon wrote in his book, Marathon—The Ultimate Training Guide, keeping a running journal is like writing love letters to yourself. I can't tell you how many times I referenced my own blog to compare this training with my training last year.

So thank you to everyone who reads my art-blog-turn-running-blog-for-the-time-being and sharing my training with me. 

Have a great weekend!!

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