Running Log

Saturday Morning.

The day starts out like this...

Wake up at 5 am.

Drive Annie to school to catch bus for Cross Country meet.

Come home.
Have coffee and a banana.

Get ready for a run.

Here I go...

A little cool. Perfect combo of long sleeves and shorts.

Got the KT tape on...(p.s. not loving these shoes)

Rainy, gloomy weather. Feels earlier than it is...

Surprise RFM with a picture...Good Morning!

Run 6 miles. Then head to Annie's Conference Meet...

Get there just in time to see her run the last 1/4 mile to a strong finish, ending the season happy. She won the bounty hunter award for taking out the most girls.

I am overcome with emotion every time I see my kids run, mixed in with my own experiences as a runner, I have to refrain from bawling with pure joy. It's really quite awkward. But wouldn't have it any other way!

Gotta admire these Cross Country runners...

...and home by 10:30 am.

Last week: 19 miles 
(I'm getting back up there — the KT tape is doing wonders! I don't believe I could be kicking this darn plantar fasciitis without it.)

Happy running!

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