Running Log all I have to do is get rid of this dreaded plantar fasciitis once and for all. For starters, I got new shoes...

They are Adidas Supernovas. I have never bought Adidas running shoes, ever. They are not my favorite looking shoe. In fact they don't look cool at all. Although they are a neutral shoe, they aren't neon or a funky design — they look a tiny bit orthopedic, don't they? 

Also, I'm seeing a chiropractor who is a runner. She actually told me to keep running ! so we can figure out what's working and what isn't. Love that. Love the KT tape as well. So, as ugly as my new shoes are, running in them felt good. Something is working! (not to mention all the rolling and icing...)

This is the path on our Saturday morning runs. Peaceful. 
Last weekend we saw 11 deer.

It is perfect running weather.

Last week: 10 total miles - better than 0 miles :)

Training for the Boston Marathon will start at the beginning of December...I'm very excited!

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