I laughed out loud when I saw my friend's post on FB about sitting. The illustrations, hands down, drew me in, along with the what seems to be taboo topic of sitting.
I feel it every day. Sitting is a pain in my butt! The worst is standing up and walking when I've been sitting for too long. My leg doesn't want to move as it should - it's just not right.
Ever since my pulled hamstring, that still nags on, sitting makes it worse.
Lo and behold 7 simple exercises to undo the damage...
The post was linked to a fabulous site called The Art of Manliness.
So undo the damage of sitting and check out these 7 exercises. Get down on the floor and do them!
And when you're done with that, check out:
Thanks so much for the link! I really hate long car trips for this very reason. I always have my seat heater on, even when it's 100 degrees out!