Race Results

Sunday was my first race this year...an 8k through the streets of Chicago. The weather was a bit raw, but thank goodness it was not sideways sleeting like it was the day before.

What a rush!

I think I was smiling for the first two miles. Amazed to be running with such a mass of people with the buildings surrounding me and the thought, hey, I'm here and doing it.

With no expectations and really no goal except to run strong, I am very happy with my results.

8k/4.97 miles:

(and I even stopped to tie my shoe :)

I am hooked, bring on the next race.


  1. Hooray, Karyn!! You survived and lived to tell about it ;) Running is super addicting, its the greatest feeling to cross that finish line! It's so great to see people on the sidelines cheering everyone on. Sometimes I even pretend that they are all cheering for me ;) So what next? The Solider Field 10 mile run is great as well ;)

  2. Congrats Karyn!! I ran a little 5K on Saturday. It was fun, but it always makes me miss a run in Chicago. :(

  3. congrats! those were stinkin' fast miles, karyn...great work!
