What is the best time of day to run?

The last two days, I ran in the wee dawning hours. And it started my day off in such a positive way.

Usually I run after work, around six. All day long I'm thinking, okay, gotta get home, change, meet my group and run - then I need to get home, change, make dinner, eat dinner, clean up dinner, change into pjs and flop on the sofa…or read in bed…who am I kidding, at that point I can't get through more than a page without falling asleep…zzzz.

The hardest part of running in the morning is getting out of bed. It's still dark outside. It's cold.

But once I get out of bed and immediately put on my running clothes, I know I can get out the door and run.

Then all day long I'm thinking, okay, gotta get home and run…but I remember I already ran! What a great feeling. Run done and then I have the whole night to make dinner, eat dinner, clean up dinner, change into pjs and flop on the sofa…or read in bed…

What is your favorite time of day to run?

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